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Sinfonia em branco (Symphony in White)

Ed. Alfaguara, Brazil, 2013 (first edition: Ed. Rocco, 2001)



Read an excerpt (in Portuguese)


José Saramago Award

Shortlisted - Prix des Lectrices de "Elle," PEN America Translation Award


“A catching plot, elegant writing . . . Brazilian author Adriana Lisboa puts her signature on the most fascinating book of the season. Not to be missed.” —Olivia de Lamberterie, Elle magazine, France


"A poignant tour de force on human interactions.” —Marguerite Itamar Harrison, Smith College







Translated into English, German, Arabic, Italian, French, Romanian, Turkish, Spanish, Croatian, Polish and Slovenian. Forthcoming in Albanian, Chinese (Mandarin) and Ukranian.

USA - Texas Tech University Press
Germany - Aufbau
Egypt - El Arabi
Italy - Angelica
France - Métailié
Portugal - Temas e Debates
Romania - Univers
Turkey - Kirmizi Kedi
Mexico - Alfaguara
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